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Wikipedia:WikiProject Judaism



Between July 24, 2004 and January 9, 2005, I made edits w/o a username, and a few times since then, I may have inadvertently edited w/o logging in. Ooops! July 24 is when I got cable modem, finally, and a static IP. Prior thereto, I was on dialup, and despite my best efforts, have been unable to find a reliable list of my anon edits. Oh well. :-p Tomer TALK 04:32, May 16, 2005 (UTC) Apparently I'm now editing from (talk · contribs).

Read this!


About me


Userbox overload


This page was starting to suffer from userbox overload, so I got rid of all of them and put them here instead. Enjoy.



I first started messing around on wikipedia several years ago, at which time I was unaware that there was a login or contributors' list, or whatnot. Most of my dillydallying has been starting or contributing to articles about Jews and Judaism, as well as a few minor edits in other fields. I first signed up as a real "user" just a couple months ago, so now I've gotta be careful, since now ppl can see what I'm doing... ;-) TShilo12 01:17, 8 Feb 2005 (UTC)

OK, and so now, I spent a little time compiling a list of articles I started...have yet to compile a list of articles to which I've contributed extensively. For those wondering how many edits I've made on the English WP, click here. And here's a collection of garbage I've found on WP.



I was born at 8:38 PM Atlantic time, April 15, 1972, in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. That's right, income tax day. Since puertorricans don't pay U.S. Federal Income Tax, however, it's not such an evil day there.

I've lived in the Town of Washington, in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin (just south of Eau Claire, Wisconsin) since I was 7 years old. I hate winter, and blame it on the fact that I'm from Puerto Rico, eventhough my memories of PR are rather scanty, and none of them have anything to do with the climate there.

I went to Cleghorn Elementary School in Cleghorn, Wisconsin, and then to South Junior High School in Eau Claire, although from mid-October until early January of fifth grade (grade 5 for the Canucks out there), I went to Downsville Elementary School in Downsville, Wisconsin, and I went to Pepin High School in Pepin, Wisconsin for the first semester of 9th grade. (Incidentally, when I was going to Pepin HS, I was living near Lund, Wisconsin, about 2 miles from the girlhood home of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Every day on the way to school, I passed the park containing her real-life house described in Little House in the Big Woods. [1] I graduated June 6, 1990 from Eau Claire's Memorial High School. Unlike most people, apparently, I absolutely do not think High School was the best time of my life. One cool thing about High School tho, was the fact that the principal's office left us alone for the most part when we took over the lobby by the main auditorium every morning before school (sometimes as many as 40 of us), playing hackey sack...usually with koosh balls, in those days...

I went to UWEC off and on thereafter, finally getting a B.S. in Physics on May 22, 1998, after (sometimes serious) flirtations with Sociology, Geology and Cultural geography: Linguistics. I didn't go to commencement, as I had to work that day, at ShopKo's service desk, and didn't really regard my finally having graduated as much of an accomplishment (my GPA was only 2.44).

In July of 1999, I became manager of the shoe department at ShopKo #24 in Eau Claire, which meant, at that time, that I became an employee of J. Baker, Inc., a company that should rot in hell for the way they screwed over their employees and the chains that contracted with them. Oh wait. That's right, they went bankrupt. I guess annihilation is about the same thing as hell, except without the torment. Oh well. As that stupid country song says, "two outta three ain't bad"...

Payless Shoes took over JBI's ShopKo account in June of 2000, which meant I was either out of a job, (unless I was willing to accept the equivalent of anal rape from Payless, a store from which I will never buy a pair of shoes or even a pair of shoelaces as long as I live or) unless I went back to my service desk job at ShopKo. I was out of a job. Happily, I already had lined up a position at Honeywell, in the Advanced Circuits unit of their Electronic Materials division. Unfortunately, my brother, through whom I got the job, had made some enemies among the bigwigs, and so I was stuck in an unadvanceable position. When a layoff was offered in November of 2002, I took it happily. Greedily, you might say.

I returned to UWEC in January of 2003 and completed a second degree, this time in Computer Science.

While working on my CS degree, and then for a year afterwards, I worked as the regulatory coördinator and biolab tech for a local veterinary pharmaceutical laboratory. Since June of 2007, I've been working as a data tech for IDEXX Computer Systems, a division of IDEXX Laboratories.

Other stuff about me


I have a mom and a dad.

I have 2 sisters and a brother, some cousins, nephews, grandparents, nieces, and various other relatives.

I'm a proud Jew.

I'm single and love it, but would also love to not be. I'm just starting a relationship with a great girl who, if things work out alright, will be my wife come Sept. 2006. Well wishing is welcome, but gifts and financial contributions will be appreciated even more.

One of my fun little projects in high schools (besides inventing my own language) , was to invent a new orthography for English.

For the dialectologists, the way I speak English, "Atlantis" sounds like /ɛʔ·'læn nis/, "Toronto" sounds like /tɹ̩·'a no/ or /'tɹa·no/, and while "dentist" is usually /'dɛ·nɪst̚/, "dentists" is /'dɛ·nɪs:/ (not to be confused with "Dennis", which is /'dɛ·nɪs/).

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

The Northeast
The South
North Central
The Midland
The West
" What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

My Interests




Basically, I like anything except most of what comes out of the Rap and Country world. I hate any and everything, however, bearing the label Jazz.





My closest friendships in the world are with Jordan, Munch and a few other great guys, more recently, Coot, Shneb, Lester and Milas, none of whom have any particular overriding interest in Wikimania.


  • Mili Avital (the hottest actress ever)
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (and not only because I can spell his name w/o looking it up)
  • Nicolas Cage I hate. He's a crappy actor and should go work in a gas station. I take that back. He probably can't even pump gas properly.



I honestly believe that people who believe that "communism works, it just hasn't been tried by the right people" are delusional.

My favorite vandal


Contact me


Email me by clicking here.

I have a number of instant messenger sns, but I'm not going to list them here. Email me and I'll email you how to IM me.

Weekly Torah Portion
Ki Tisa (כי תשא)
Exodus 30:11–34:35
"The Lord! The Lord! A God compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and faithfulness, extending kindness to the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin." (Exodus 34:6–7.)
The Golden Calf
God instructed Moses that when he took a census of the Israelites, each person 20 years old or older should pay a half-shekel ransom, to avoid a plague. God told Moses to assign the proceeds to the service of the Tent of Meeting. God told Moses to place a copper laver between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, so that Aaron and the priests could wash their hands and feet in water when they entered the Tent of Meeting or approached the altar to burn a sacrifice, so that they would not die. God directed Moses to make a sacred anointing oil from choice spices. God told Moses to use it to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the furnishings of the Tabernacle, and the priests. God told Moses to warn the Israelites not to copy the sacred anointing oil's recipe for lay purposes, at pain of exile. God directed Moses make sacred incense from herbs to burn in the Tent of Meeting. As with the anointing oil, God warned against making incense from the same recipe for lay purposes. God informed Moses that God had endowed Bezalel of the Tribe of Judah with divine skill in every kind of craft. God assigned to him Oholiab of the Tribe of Dan and granted skill to all who are skillful, that they might make the furnishings of the Tabernacle, the priests’ vestments, the anointing oil, and the incense. God told Moses to admonish the Israelites nevertheless to keep the Sabbaths, on pain of death.
Moses Cast Down the Tablets of the Law (painting by Domenico Beccafumi)

Then God gave Moses two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God. Meanwhile, the people became impatient for Moses’ return, and implored Aaron to make them a god. Aaron told them to bring him their gold earrings, and he cast them in a mold and made a molten golden calf. They exclaimed, “This is your god, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!” Aaron built an altar before the calf, and announced a festival of the Lord. The people offered sacrifices, ate, drank, and danced. God told Moses what the people had done, saying “let Me be, that My anger may blaze forth against them and that I may destroy them, and make of you a great nation.” But Moses implored God not to do so, lest the Egyptians say that God delivered the people only to kill them off in the mountains. Moses called on God to remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and God’s oath to make their offspring as numerous as the stars, and God renounced the planned punishment. Moses went down the mountain bearing the two tablets. Joshua told Moses, “There is a cry of war in the camp,” but Moses answered, “It is the sound of song that I hear!”

Moses with the Tablets of the Law (painting by Rembrandt)

When Moses saw the calf and the dancing, he became enraged and shattered the tablets at the foot of the mountain. He burned the calf, ground it to powder, strewed it upon the water, and made the Israelites drink it. When Moses asked Aaron how he committed such a great sin, Aaron replied that the people asked him to make a god, so he hurled their gold into the fire, “and out came this calf!” Seeing that Aaron had let the people get out of control, Moses stood in the camp gate and called, “Whoever is for the Lord, come here!” All the Levites rallied to Moses, and at his instruction killed 3,000 people, including brother, neighbor, and kin. Moses went back to God and asked for God either to forgive the Israelites or kill Moses too, but God insisted on punishing only the sinners, which God did by means of a plague. Then God dispatched Moses and the people to the Promised Land, but God decided not to go in their midst, for fear of destroying them on the way. Upon hearing this, the Israelites went into mourning. Moses asked God whom God would send with Moses to lead the people. Moses further asked God to let him know God’s ways, that Moses might know God and continue in God’s favor. And God agreed to lead the Israelites. Moses asked God not to make the Israelites move unless God were to go in the lead, and God agreed. Moses asked God to let him behold God’s Presence. God agreed to make all God’s goodness pass before Moses and to proclaim God’s name and nature, but God explained that no human could see God’s face and live. God instructed Moses to station himself on a rock, where God would cover him with God’s hand until God had passed, at which point Moses could see God’s back.

Moses with Radiant Face (painting by José de Ribera)

God directed Moses to carve two stone tablets like the ones that Moses shattered, so that God might inscribe upon them the words that were on the first tablets, and Moses did so. God came down in a cloud and proclaimed: “The Lord! The Lord! A God compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and faithfulness, extending kindness to the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; yet He does not remit all punishment, but visits the iniquity of parents upon children and children’s children, upon the third and fourth generations.” Moses stayed with God 40 days and 40 nights, ate no bread, drank no water, and wrote down on the tablets the terms of the covenant. As Moses came down from the mountain bearing the two tablets, the skin of his face was radiant, and the Israelites shrank from him. Moses called them near and instructed them concerning all that God had commanded. When Moses finished speaking, he put a veil over his face. Whenever Moses spoke with God, Moses would take his veil off. And when he came out, he would tell the Israelites what he had been commanded, and then Moses would then put the veil back over his face again.

Commentaries from Aleph Beta Academy

To do


My to do list Check out musicthing. If you're looking for something to do, how about checking out some of these articles in need of attention:

This user observes Shabbat.